June 18, 2008

Herbal Bath Teas

Traditional herbal bath teas, soaks, rinses for relaxation, recreation, therapy
Bath teas have traditionally been used for for the treatment and prophylactics. Bath teas help maintain and improve healthy skin and hair, relieve pain and reverse exhaustion, resist cold and flu. Herbal baths were employed in the treatment of skin conditions,including acne, dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis, scalp itching, flaking and dandruff. Body teas help combat cold and flu, muscular aches and pains, rheumatism and arthritis. Herbal soaks and wraps are safe and helpful remedy against stress, anxiety, insomnia, they help reverse fatigue and loss of energy, improve alertness and performance. Bath tea formulas from Floraleads Gr are developed from traditional recipes and composed of herbs only, no flavors, no odors, no additives. Herbal bath teas combine benefits of herbal aromatherapy and direct application of herbal nutrients to the skin. They are used as body bath, hip bath, foot bath, herbal wrap, hair rinse and as aromatherapy herbal pillows.


Anonymous said...

Alla hu akhbar!!!

Anonymous said...

So that those who will accidentally visit your site will not waste there time with this stupid topics.